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granite installation

Strength and Rich Tapestry of Granite Countertops in Austin

Granite traditionally comes spotted in several bright shades of gold and silver, red, cream, and rust. The natural granite carries a quiet distinction and immense durability that stands forever. Install granite as lush countertops right out of a fairy tale! A creative personality comes with each little piece, a quiet charm that never ends.

Natural stone is granite that formed within the belly of the earth through eternal time. The elegance of gray granite is truly striking in a winning elegance.

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Granite Kitchen Countertop

Smoke and mirror may appear similar but the shine of gray granite transforms the environment like never before or since. Ganache and White Storm, among an array of gray granite, represents the ultimate in esthetics to charm every interior space all the way to the skies.

1. Ganache Granite

Bask in the happiness of this lavish granite. Imagine thick cream in the process of blending with chocolate delicately. Natural granite presents a fantasy of gentle grays and whites with dark charcoal specks that dance away to greater glory. Create dreamy surroundings wherever, whenever. Accent walls or countertops?

2. Gray Mist Granite

Fabulously suited to accent walls and countertops, Gray Mist does replicate an early morning fantasy. Imagine the sun barely visible through a haze of mist. Dark and light grays combine to create the impression of visual movement. Like all granites, it would tolerate very busy surroundings and even the teeming commercial kitchens.
