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Childhood thumb sucking past age five is a habit – a habit that has roots in the very earliest days of life. It is an enjoyable activity from day one (i.e., birth), often associated with early pleasurable innate physiological responses. This is the essence of why it is so hard for some children to stop the habit easily.

What does a young child equate with sucking behavior? Those first sucking experiences often represent the pleasurable feelings associated with nursing such as warmth, cuddling, mommy, and milk.

When children suck, beta-endorphin (a powerful and calming chemical) is produced and attaches to the opiate receptors in the pleasure center of the brain.

You can also buy (Age 2-7) STOP Thumb Sucking stop FINGER sucking The Hand Stopper thumb guard for thumb sucking from the Amazon Canada website.

6 products to help your little one stop sucking their thumb

This strong biochemical reaction from the sucking behavior results in the enjoyable and often addictive-like feelings the child (who sucks the thumb) experiences. And, that association with the pleasurable feelings it “conjures up” is what makes an oral habit so hard to "kick."

When do children typically suck? When they are bored, they may use their thumbs to stave off boredom. When children are upset, they may seek to calm themselves by sucking. And, when they are falling asleep, the thumb goes into the mouth as they drift easily off to sleep. Again, these are all triggers related to the calming biochemical effect sucking often brings.

However, most of the time the thumb goes into the mouth and the child doesn’t even realize it. It is mainly a subconscious habit. Well-meaning parents telling their children to "get their thumbs out of their mouths" often do not anticipate that this may actually weigh heavily on the child and encourage even more sucking behavior! How does this happen?

This "encouragement" reminds children that they have failed yet again in regard to behavior over which they have little to no control. This loss of control over the habit often encourages even more sucking as children seek to find comfort using their thumbs. A negative spiral ensues. Basically, the thumb slips into the mouth, the child feels bad it went in, they get upset and seek comfort, and they ultimately suck even more. It becomes a vicious cycle. 

Ways For Your Baby to Quit Sucking the Thumb

Thumb sucking is remarkably popular with toddlers and babies; nevertheless, parents often find it very upsetting. To be able to manage thumb sucking or to get your infant to stop sucking thumb, you want to understand what causes this behavior and several methods you could address this.

Should you take a good look at thumb sucking, then it goes all of the ways back into the baby's time in the uterus. Many infants suck on their thumbs even before they're born. For most kids, sucking on the thumb is a method to allow them to find relaxation and it will help them feel secure. You can find many products at which can help to stop thumb sucking.

Ways For Your Baby to Quit Sucking the Thumb

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A young child may suck on her thumb if she's feeling ill, tired or angry also. As a child grows older, occasionally they'll suck on their thumb if they're upset, feel uneasy and even if they're bored.

Infants and toddlers who suck their thumb since they're bored have to be provided a diversion. Should you feel that your child is sucking on her thumb for this particular reason, then you have to get a few strategies to diverting her. Maybe engage her in enjoyable activities and play games with her if she exhibits this particular habit.

For a kid who sucks her thumb for safety or relaxation, frequently you're able to block the issue by giving him something else for relaxation. Some kids may do well with a unique blanket, though some might be redirected by a particular stuffed animal.

Prolonged thumb sucking your youngster may result in some issues. A few of the issues that could happen if your kid sucks their thumb for overly long include address problems in addition to issues with their teeth. Even though these issues can happen, usually parents don't have to fret overly much about the thumb sucking difficulty. Most kids get over it without a problem by themselves.
