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General Dentistry

What You Should Know About Cavities?

Cavities, as you probably know, are caused by tooth decay. Tooth decay may be affected by our dental hygiene, the amount of fluoride in the toothpaste we use, or the foods we eat. You may also be susceptible to tooth decay if there is a history of dental problems or disease in your family.

Inherited dental disease is quite common and is sometimes passed down through several generations. You can also look for the experienced and top-ranked dentist for tooth cavity treatment to prevent many dental issues.

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A condition is known as dry mouth, which affects many adults, may also make one more susceptible to cavities. Dry mouth, as the name suggests, causes a lack of saliva in the mouth which may contribute to cavities and other problems. There are several causes of this condition, including radiation treatments, medications, and some illnesses.

An untreated cavity may also damage the nerves of the tooth and create an abscess, which is an infected root. Abscesses can be very dangerous if left untreated because the infection may spread to other parts of the body and in very serious cases could lead to severe illness and possibly death. As you can see, cavities left untreated could have somber consequences.

Regular visits to your dentist may help to both prevent cavities before they start and to treat any that are already present.
